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  • February 01, 2023 12:35 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Joe Burrow Foundation (JBF) launched its new application program for "Do Good" grants that will award up to $50,000 for projects that serve their local communities by developing new pathways for mental health protection and food insecurity that are sustainable and designed to have lasting impacts on the people around them.

    The grants will have two application cycles each year, with the first being open, now until April 30 and the second opening in the summer. To learn more about JBF’s new grant program, click here.

  • January 18, 2023 2:48 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)
    The Women's Philanthropy Network (WPN), a fund of the Community Foundation of North Louisiana, is seeking applications from programs with clearly defined outcomes that address school readiness and/or student achievement, including but not limited, to literacy services, behavioral health, or other wrap-around services. Applicants should utilize evidence-based best practices and have a track record of success. 

    Preference will be given to innovative programs that serve children from birth to 12th grade, that address the needs of under-served populations, and that demonstrate collaboration with other nonprofits, faith-based organizations, business entities, and/or government. Preference will be given to groups that can leverage matching funds on the federal, state, or local level. The WPN plans to award one large grant in the range of $50,000 – $100,000.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Applicant must be a 501c3 organization or a unit of government which provides charitable functions related to education.
    • Applicant must file an annual Form 990 with the IRS, if required by law.
    • The proposed project must serve individuals in Caddo Parish.
    • Applicant must have conducted an independent audit within the last three years.  Non-audited organizations may apply only through the use of a fiscal sponsor or fiscal agent who has been audited in the last three years and meets all other eligibility criteria.
    • Programs may receive funding for two consecutive years only.

    In addition, the WPN plans to award two small grants of up to $9,000 each. The focus and eligibility of the small grants are the same as listed above, with the exception that a financial compilation will be accepted in lieu of an audit. 

    The deadline to apply is January 31 at 4:00 PM. Contact Liz LaBorde, Chief Grants Officer, at with questions.


  • January 18, 2023 6:12 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Louisiana Department of Education proudly announces the Steve Carter Literacy Tutoring Program to improve children's literacy skills. 

    Tutors approved by the Department of Education have expertise in reading and literacy. To find out if your child is eligible, visit or contact your school administration. Applying for the digital voucher and tutoring services is easy and will take less than 5 minutes.

  • January 18, 2023 6:08 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is pleased to announce the opportunity for nonprofit organizations in Louisiana to submit an external organization profile (Profile). The LDOE is required, under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title IV, Part B, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC), to provide a list of pre-screened external organizations.

    The term “external organization” is defined by ESSA as: “(A) a nonprofit organization with a record of success in running or working with before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities; or (B) in the case of a community where there is no such organization, a nonprofit organization in the community that enters into a written agreement or partnership with an organization described in subparagraph (A) to receive mentoring and guidance in running or working with before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities” (ESSA, section 4201).

    To meet the requirements for the minimum record of success, any organization submitting a Profile must:

    • Operate as a nonprofit in good standing in Louisiana; and
    • Have a minimum of seven years of experience operating or delivering services to out-of-school time programs in Louisiana.

    If your organization meets the record of success requirements, you are eligible to complete and submit the Profile at LDOEExOrgProfile no later than 2:00 p.m. CDT on February 3, 2023. The next opportunity to submit a Profile will occur during the summer of 2025. LDOE will post the updated pre-screened list at by March 3, 2023.

    Please note that this solicitation will not result in a contract with LDOE. Nor does the listing represent an endorsement by LDOE. LDOE will verify “good standing” status using the debarred vendor list when the Profile is submitted and periodically thereafter. All eligible pre-screened organizations will remain on the list for two years from the date posted on the LDOE website.

    I am requesting that you widely share this announcement throughout Louisiana. Thank you for your commitment to ensuring Louisiana’s children have access to high quality out-of-school time programming.

    If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Kennedy Victorian at 225-219-0779 or at

  • January 16, 2023 4:46 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    Hunters for the Hungry Louisiana was founded in 1994. 

    The mission of Hunters for the Hungry Louisiana is to encourage hunters and fishermen to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors by sharing their bounty of wild game and fish in order to combat hunger.

    Top goal for 2023: To encourage deer donations before the hunting season ends. When a hunter drops off their bounty to one of our Partner Processors (50+ across the state), it's NO COST to the hunter to have the deer processed and delivered to a local food bank, shelter, or kitchen. Hunters For The Hungry Louisiana pays the invoice, and we coordinate the delivery with the processor.


  • January 11, 2023 12:07 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    Louisiana Hemophilia Foundation was founded in1976. They are located at 3084 Westfork Drive, Suite A, Baton Rouge, LA 70816.

    The mission of the Louisiana Hemophilia Foundation is to improve the quality of life an assist persons and families with bleeding disorders by providing education, advocacy, support services, and promoting research.

    Top Goal for 2023: Recruit new board members, specifically with financial/accounting experience. 


  • January 01, 2023 2:51 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    Are you ready to be a part of North Louisiana's largest day of giving? In 2022, Give for Good raised over $2.39 MILLION for area nonprofit organizations. Registration for the 2023 event is now open!. Be sure to check out all the information and resources available under the "For Nonprofits" tab to help you get started.

    How to Register

    Be sure to read through the registration information prior to starting your registration. Please note that registration is a two step process. You will need to complete the registration form then you will need to fill out the required tasks on your organization profile to-do list. 

    1. Log in or sign up

    • If you had a user account on the former Give For Good platform, enter that email in the email field and click forgot password. Once you’ve reset your password, come back to the registration page and log in.
    • If you are new to an organization that has participated in past Give For Good events, you can gain access to your organization's profile by emailing the Mightycause team at

    2. Enter in the name or EIN of the organization you’d like to register

    • If you are already associated with an organization, you can select it from the list of your associated organizations.
    • If you are associated with multiple organizations you will need to register each one individually.
    • Select the organization you wish to register. This will open up the registration form.
    • Review your organization name, EIN, and address at the top to ensure you are registering the correct organization.

    3. Complete all required questions and click Continue

    • Alternatively, Click “Save and Finish Later” if you need additional time to complete any of the questions or submit the required documents. You can come back to the registration form to finish the registration process.

    4. Submit your registration form


  • December 23, 2022 1:36 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana was founded in 1984.

    MISSION: To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

    VISION: All youth achieve their full potential.

    TOP GOAL: To mentor more youth ages 6-18 in the seven Parishes we serve. Provide safe and impactful mentors to youth who struggle with education, behavior, life skills, career planning, and to be intentional about all youth in rural and underserved areas.

    Office locations:

    • 4135 Common Street Lake Charles, LA 70607
    • 1509 N. Pine Street, Suite C DeRidder, LA 70634

    Serving seven Parishes:

    • Allen
    • Beauregard
    • Calcasieu
    • Cameron
    • Jeff Davison
    • Vernon
    • Rapides Parishes

    Image from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana's Summer Mentoring Academy Littles

  • December 15, 2022 12:37 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Emerge Center 

    Emerge empowers children with autism and individuals with communication challenges to achieve independence through an interdisciplinary therapy program within an innovative educational model. Support from the community facilitates broad access to our services, expands our impact and enriches our unique learning environment.

    Your gift to Emerge enables families to imagine brighter futures for their children – independent, successful and happy futures. Visit to make a difference in a child’s life today!


    Direct Donation Link: Give to Emerge

    Want to be featured? 

    Send us information about your End of the Year campaign, and we will share it on our social media platforms! Please email any information, graphics and pictures to Kristian Beatty at

  • December 15, 2022 12:31 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)


    Suiting 101 recognizes first impressions are made in the first seven seconds of meeting someone. Suiting 101 believes appearance is essential for success. This organization will provide a comprehensive program that incorporates multiple workshops, seminars, and experiences to give students the tools and skills necessary to engage in an impactful, healthy, and positive life. Suiting 101 will collaborate with the community and high schools with low graduation and college transition rates to cultivate the academic, social, and leadership abilities of at-risk underprivileged juniors and seniors through education, mentorship, and enrichment.


    Suiting 101 mentors and trains at-risk underprivileged students on various life skills with a focus on the importance of appearance and presentation. Most importantly, we suit up leaders for lifelong success.


    To instill confidence in at-risk underprivileged students through appearance and presentation and to become strong leaders in society.


    We are a non-profit organization working with other community organizations providing career and college mentoring programs for high school students. Students must complete an enrichment program comprised of addressing college transition, leadership, career exploration, and developing a personal vision for a successful future. When the seniors graduate, they are equipped with a complete professional ensemble.


    • To build self-confidence and an awareness of who you are and who you can become.
    • Educate students on proper dressing – the differences between various dress attires.
    • Developing a personal vision for a successful future.


    • Financial Literacy
    • Image/Presentation
    • College Prep (ACT/SAT & Scholarships)
    • Mentorship/Networking

    Board of Directors:

    • Chuck Tillis, President
    • Michael W. Victorian
    • Verge Ausberry
    • Artie B. Varnado
    • O’Lindsey H. Brown

    Denise Brown, Executive Director

    Eugene M. Brown, II – Program Director

Have Some News To Report?

email the information and we will get it posted.

2041 Silverside Drive 
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

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