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  • August 02, 2022 12:52 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits is in the process of evaluating and expanding our member benefits.  Part of our evaluation is learning what types of insurance would be of benefit to Louisiana nonprofit organizations in the long term.  Please complete the survey and let us know what types of insurance your organization currently has and might be interested in pursuing no later than August 31, 2022.


  • July 28, 2022 7:39 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    FIRST Chance was founded in 2015 after the loss of SPD officer Thomas LaValley. Their goal is to equip and train ALL law enforcement, especially in Shreveport, with belt trauma kits.

    FIRST Chance has a trauma doctor, Dr. Patrick McGauly, who comes in and teaches classes. All participants are taught to use the kit on themselves and others in the case of traumatic bleeding. These kits are invaluable when first responders are awaiting the fire department. 

  • July 27, 2022 7:44 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Junior League of New Orleans is in the process of clearing out their headquarters building as they prepare for a renovation. The organization has several items to donate to nonprofits in our region. The nonprofit would have to pick up the items as the Junior League does not have the means to deliver them. The items we have are as follows:

    • 10 foot conference table
    • 6 upholstered chairs for table.
    • 100+ auditorium or conference chairs - upholstered in gray fabric. 
    • 6 foot folding table
    • 5 foot narrow folding table
    • desk chairs
    • and many other items
    For more information and to schedule a pick-up, contact Maria Huete
  • July 13, 2022 4:26 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The next Competitive Grant Cycle opens on August 1. Community Foundation is offering two Grant Applicant Training sessions for all applicants. Trainings are optional but are highly encouraged for first-time applicants.

    • Session 1 - July 21 at 11 a.m.
    • Session 2 - August 4 at 11 a.m.

    Reservations are required and can be made with the link below. Trainings will be held in Community Central at Community Foundation. 401 Edwards Street, Suite 125, Shreveport, LA 71101. 



    • Grant Applicant Training Session 1
    • July 21 at 11 a.m.
    • Competitive Grant Applications Open
    • August 1 at 8 a.m.
    • Grant Applicant Training Session 2
    • August 4 at 11 a.m.
    • Competitive Grant Applications Close
    • August 21 at 4 p.m.
  • July 13, 2022 4:18 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    Navigating disasters can be complex. In the first days following a disaster, most organizations are focused on securing shelter, food, water, and supplies. That said, another critical component of recovery that warrants our focus and attention concerns legal issues.

    Legal Aid Resources Webinar

    The Greater New Orleans Foundation is proud to partner with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS) for a webinar spotlighting legal issues, resources, and other information in or after a disaster. Please join them on Wednesday, July 20th from 12:00-1:00 pm for Legal Aid Resources in Disaster Preparedness and Recovery webinar with Laura Tuggle, Executive Director of SLLS.

    This webinar is free, but registration is required. 


    Disaster Title Clearing Project

    Thanks to support from AARP, Louisiana Appleseed Center and Southeast Louisiana Legal Services have launched a Coalition dedicated to estate planning, successions, powers of attorney, and related matters for low-income families impacted by Hurricane Ida. Screened and qualified applicants are eligible to have any court costs related to estate planning and clear title covered by the program. The Coalition is available to provide attorneys at your next event who can answer questions related to estate planning.

    Organizations interested in more information, or that want to host an in-person educational event for staff or directly impacted communities, should contact Adrienne at

    Legal Resources for People with Disabilities

    Disability Rights Louisiana provides legal and advocacy services to people with disabilities around disaster-related issues like: FEMA disputes; accessing medical care, equipment, sign language interpreters in the wake of a disaster; accessing special education services after evacuating; and more. Learn more here.

    Additional Disaster Resources

    The last disaster preparedness newsletter focused on creating a Continuity of Operations Plan for organizations. It is also important that individuals prepare their own personal disaster kits. Emergency Legal Responders has created a guide for the documents you'll need to include in your own personal emergency kit. This includes identification, housing, financial documents, and more. Click here to access the guide.

  • July 06, 2022 4:06 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    CreateAthon is a national organization whose mission is to champion effective, nonprofit marketing through pro bono “creative marathons.” For 24 hours, the BBR team will cease all regular operations to focus their time and talents on marketing for nonprofits in the community.

    Since 2019, through a partnership with CreateAthon, BBR has donated over $382,000 worth of marketing services across nine Louisiana nonprofits. This year’s event is on September 22 and 23, and will provide free production deliverables for selected nonprofits.

    CreateAthon Service Offerings include:
    • Social Media Strategy & Content Development
    • Email Marketing
    • Event Branding, Planning & Promotion
    • Marketing & Advertising Campaign Development • Marketing Plan

    For more information, email:

    APPLY BY JULY 8, 2022


  • June 02, 2022 5:11 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    The Center for Literacy & Learning was founded in 1992. They have office locations in Metairie, Baton Rouge, Alexandria and work is done state and nationwide

    Mission statement: Advance literacy and learning through evidence-based practices in the classroom, home, and community.

    Top Goal: Everyone is empowered through literacy

  • June 02, 2022 5:04 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    As temperatures rise and summer approaches, we are reminded that Hurricane Season is here. 

    Here are some resources and opportunities that can help you and your organization become better prepared for hurricane season, which starts June 1.

    • Resources and TipsCheck the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness website and Get a Game Plan for the State of Louisiana's latest information on hurricane preparedness.
    • Follow @GOHSEP and @NolaReady on social media.If your organization provides critical support to disaster response efforts, you should be aware of the special needs registry and disaster re-entry placards. Both require registration through the parish in which your organization is located. Please note re-entry placards must be applied for yearly.
    • Click here for your parish’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness contact information.Training OpportunitiesShelter Operations TrainingThe Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) is hosting a Red Cross shelter training in partnership with Volunteer Louisiana and the State Citizen Corps Council.The training will take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the First United Pentecostal Church (1020 South Range Ave. Denham Springs, LA 70726). A portion of this training can be attended virtually. See the agenda and register here. Registration is first-come-first-serve and subject to approval if capacity is exceeded.
    • NOLA Ready Presentations and Outreach (Orleans Parish only)Is your organization working with historically underserved communities (particularly the unhoused, elderly, children & families, low-income, and/or undocumented individuals)? Request a 2022 hurricane preparedness training from NOLA Ready for your organization or community by completing the form at
    We know many nonprofits across our 13-parish region have and are still supporting rebuilding efforts in response to Hurricane Ida and the tornadoes in St. Bernard parish. It is our hope that sharing these resources and training opportunities will help us all be well-prepared as we head into another hurricane season.If you know of additional Hurricane Preparedness learning opportunities that we should be aware of, please let us know! And be sure to stay tuned for our next Disaster Preparedness email regarding Continuity of Operations Plans.

    For questions or comments, contact Kristen Craig at

  • May 25, 2022 4:01 PM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)

    Kids' Orchestra was founded in Baton Rouge in 2010.

    MISSION: To build a community of creative, confident, and socially engaged students through music education.

    Their top goal right now is to offer high-quality afterschool musical instruction in a safe and nurturing space for all children.

  • May 10, 2022 8:23 AM | Chelsey Blakenship (Administrator)
    The Bossier Arts Council (BAC) was created in 1980 through a joint effort by a local arts organization and the City of Bossier. The Bossier Arts Council continues to partner with the City to provide excellence in the arts for citizens and visitors. Over the years BAC has grown, focusing on expanding arts opportunities in community theatre, visual arts, festivals and exhibits, arts education for children and adults, public arts, and grants opportunities.

    The Bossier Arts Council is dedicated to promoting, supporting, and providing cultural events and programming in order to enhance the quality of life and to develop a cultural identity for Bossier Parish.

    Located at 630 Barksdale Blvd
    Bossier City, LA 71111

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email the information and we will get it posted.

2041 Silverside Drive 
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

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