North Louisiana's largest philanthropic giving event is back in its ninth year! Last year, over 5,500 donors came together to raise a record $2.2 MILLION for 239 area nonprofits. Choose your causes today and let's work together to transform our community! Giving is easy:
Let's work together to create a stronger, more vibrant North Louisiana!
The Association of Fundraising Professionals' Baton Rouge Chapter is currently welcoming new members!
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Baton Rouge has been named a 2022 Ten Star GOLD Chapter, offering members the opportunity to connect with colleagues, engage in creative thinking, network with new friends, and achieve great results in their work. AFP offers many free and discounted resources for fundraisers as well as other opportunities to grow your career and better our community.
As a benefit to achieving our Gold Star Status, AFP-Baton Rouge has the ability to gift a one-year membership to two potential new members. To qualify for the complimentary membership organizations are required to join one of the diverse committees and commit to attending 90% of chapter meetings (these double as educational sessions with networking opportunities).
If you are interested in a complimentary membership or have questions please email Kristy Mayes, our Vice President of Membership (, and Nicole Falkenheiner, our IDEA Chair (, describing your organization, when it was founded, your role at your organization, and how long you have been in fundraising.
Any additional information is welcome.
Go for the Gold
Candid is extending a special offer to small nonprofits with less than $500,000 in revenue or expenses. Earn a 2022 Candid Gold Seal to qualify for one year of free access to Foundation Directory Essential, a resource to help you win more grants. Offer details.
Please contact Candid if you’d like to schedule a Candid Profile training in the coming months. Candid offers at least two free trainings for Alliance members.
Year Founded: 1989
Mission Statement:
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge is a Christian-based ministry that builds and renovates houses in partnership with the community. We provide opportunities for families in need to purchase their own homes, build community, and improve their lives. Top Goal:
Habitat Office 5500 Florida Blvd., Ste. 200 Baton Rouge, LA 70806
ReStore North 4301 Airline Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70805 ReStore Southeast 10300 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Learn More
Presented in cooperation with GOHSEP and FEMA
March 3, 2022 10:00 AM—12:00 PM Zoom Presentation
PURPOSE Learn how Private Non-Profits (PNPs) and Houses of Worship (HOW), which includes churches, synagogues, temples, mosques and other religious entities, may qualify for federal assistance when a disaster is declared for your specific area.
The Application Process
Register in advance for this workshop.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the workshop.
Mission Statement: To foster culture through arts education and cultural events as an alternative to promote human development and well-being.
Founded in 2018
Top Goal: To increase student participation in an integrated art and music program here in Baton Rouge. We offer group and individual classes and would like to grow the organization by reaching more students in our community.
The Arc of St. Charles, a non-profit organization is committed to providing services and supports that enable people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities and special needs to attain their full potential.
Main Goal:
To obtain affordable housing for those we serve seeking Independent Living.
To obtain competitive employment for those seeking work opportunities.
To create an effective transition program for students transitioning out of school setting.
Recently celebrated 50 years of service.
The Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits has partnered with Association TRENDS to conduct a large-scale nonprofit compensation survey for Louisiana nonprofits. Participation is FREE and members of the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits are eligible to receive a free copy of the report if they participate in the survey. The survey will go live on February 1, 2022 and close on April 1st, 2022. Members who do not participate in the survey can purchase a copy of the report at a discounted price. To register to participate in the 2022 survey please visit
If you are unsure whether your organization is a member of the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits, please contact us.
What is the 2022 Louisiana Nonprofit Compensation Survey?
Prepared and produced by experts with over 30 years of experience conducting compensation reports, this annual salary survey is designed specifically for nonprofits. It is the fastest and easiest-to-use salary survey available. With over 100 job descriptions, a quick and easy interface, and a robust support team behind it, taking the survey is easy, and the resulting report will be a tremendous help to your nonprofit.
Why participate?
What will the final report include?
Your Questions Answered:
Here are what other participants have said about the survey:
"As a participant I found the survey was easy to take and didn't consume a lot of my time. The resulting report is going to be a valuable tool for myself and our board of directors"
- Linda Elliot, President, Hawaii Wildlife Center
"The survey contained so many options under job positions - it was easy to find and list our staff salaries"
- Bryce Chitwood, Director of Operations, Central Christian Camp
We hope that you will contribute to this vital study. Participation is free and all results are confidential.
When will the report be available and how much will it cost? The report will be available in May 2022. The full report is free for any participating members, $75 for members who did not participate, $75 for non-members who participated, and $150 for non-members who did not participate.
To register to participate in this year’s survey, please visit - report on or after February 1, 2022.
Choose “2022 Survey Participation” in the right-hand column on the page and click “Register”. If you have an account with Association TRENDS, submit your email and your information will auto-populate. If you do not, you will be prompted to create a login. Upon login or registration, you will automatically be taken to the survey start page. Feel free to complete your survey right away or save and come back later!
Feel free to contact Krisitan Beatty with any questions.
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